Then we have the folks that think that there's enough game designs being formulated and released as it is, and they could be correct on this. Still, others lament the next 'Expansion' for the likes of certain games, when they'd just as soon SEE some other 'fresh' creation instead. What can you say? Those people are just milking that for what it's worth and maybe they ARE in some sort of 'rut', in regards to this. So just seek out some other games from another that would interest YOU, and maybe get out of your OWN 'rut' too. My GAWD! They're even remaking ''the Fog'' movie! Maybe to have that take on an even greater 'relevance', then they could have at LEAST gone with reworking of the main title to: ''the SMOG'', as many folks could definitely relate with THAT! What's next: ''Insolvent Soylent Greeners''? To paraphrase the late, great 'one': ''these kids these days have NO 'respect' I tell ya!'' Plenty of people wish to have an original design reprinted with practically the same old 'style' as that, while others look forward to the 'updated' version of such. In most cases, then the subsequent COST factor also increases significantly due mostly to inflation or production of such. I think that with some companies adopting the ''Pre-Order'' doctrines for some of their products, then this may just become the case for the smaller facilities, as then they can count upon those to gear up and get something completed without going broke in the process. The other larger ones can afford to go with what they're currently doing, since they may have many other things that could 'buck up' any flagging sales for the time being.
As another matter to keep in mind, then I recall some criticisms from certain people-they KNOW who they are-about myself and any others 'critiquing' games. Their response was to inform us to design our OWN and have these undergo scrutiny, while I have no problem with such. Yet the whole notion that ''you can't criticize something UNLESS you've done likewise'' is fairly moot, since I don't have to 'be' a Movie producer, Book writer, or Musician to truly appreciate another's efforts, and then decide for myself whether or NOT I'd like something of theirs. Considering that not too many so-called 'reviewers' have the SAME 'credentials' in regards to one another, then just HOW would anyone expect to gain experiences in this? Sure, I readily admit that my 'style' tends to offend plenty of people, who factiously tend to overlook their OWN gaming preferences, I'll mention. I guess they should just 'restrict' themselves to the likes of CHESS or Checkers with their ''Black & White'' connotations for this?
''my EYES! zee 'goggles' zhey do NUTHINK!''
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