I have this VARIANT(well, actually MANY) based upon an edition of a 'current' game, of which MINE is vastly different overall and based ONLY upon the 'past' versions. I don't want to impinge upon any 'copyright' issues, since this would cover an older version that I have several copies of, as might many others. It is one of several that could become 'accessories' for these games, while their 'concepts' were actually DESIGNED by others and I've 'compiled' these into my OWN 'modified' creations. These will become 'attributed' to their AUTHORS in recognition of their OWN 'efforts'. For many true 'Grognards', then they'll instantly recognize them, since we're usually cognizant upon those that we've 'known' from long ago. I don't understand WHY it is that the 'BGG' is reluctant to permit these since they ARE 'designed' solely FOR these games', when the articles were FIRST 'written' UP concerning them!
In the 'words-&-voice-in-your-head' of "Mike Tyson", it IS "lewdacris"
Oh well, then folks can: "get their 'kicks' enroute with MY 'blix'!"

Since so many can 'see' who's written up and IS behind

THIS(for those unable to view the 'author' then it IS "James Meldrum"!), isn't it considered as being very RELEVANT for the 'game' depicted? VOTE with your comment and let's SEE! In fact make a 'mention' about just ONE 'Game' associated with the 'author' as a part of an entry. Maybe even give different 'games' to count them up! Remember, 'he' ONLY has to be 'associated', for which it could include many. I'd be very "intuwrested" to 'gauge' the public's response on such, as there's plenty to go around if you JUST 'look'! I intend upon 'informing' the general public who're "in the want to know" HOW to enhance their games that they already have. This can take many 'chapters' of progressing from ONE 'concept' to another, especially where 'foreign terms' are unknown, etc. To deal with that, then 'Uni-Sets' could become introduced for varying LEVELS in which 'players' cared to delve into. I've seen this already in the 'model kits' and their 'level-1, etc. 'approach. Hey, some are even prepainted and just *snap* together, then *Violin!* you got the 'Voyager' spaceship or the 'Maquis' or the 'Kazon'. sweet!
As a pondering, I find it quite "a service" to the gaming community in 'general', when I INCREASE the 'interest' even in the 'elder titles', as some are just too darn FUN to resist. With this in 'mind', then I present still one more VARIANT. It combines what was written by a fellow 'GEEK' "C.Lake" a.k.a. 'zarathustra99', with extensive 'mods' by myself. Read his 'article' here to SEE just how it could 'look':
*LINK to article*
*NOTE*-if you're unable to 'click' on this LINK, then just copy its 'line' and place in the 'website address bar' for your 'browser' and then HIT 'enter' to take you to that.
You will be able to actually 'see' this depicted in its 'gamemap' FORM on my OWN 'Blog' in a day or '2', so keep on the "look-out" for this then. I'm going to create another 'blog' of my own so as to NOT clutter up this one with the TOO 'many' of which I can think of. There'll still 'be' EXCLUSIVES for this here, since I take it as a weekly 'respite' for some 'effective respondings'. As a wanton "shout out" to a fellow 'GEEK', then I'm starting mine up on August 8th-on HIS 'B-day'! Have a GREAT 'cold one' "Gilad"!(a.k.a.'ycylop'), and you should be 'hearing' of HIS "exploits" here soon I do believe?...
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