"Merry Christmas" and "Happy Hannukah" to those who celebrate such! With a "Bestivus of a Festivus" for the restuvus!
If you look you'll never find me
I've gone gaming I'll be back
Got to ship a few more barrels
Got to trade a brick or two
Got to buy some more provisions
Got to run this train on through
Got to roll a few more 6's
Got to draw a few more cards
Got to shake hands with my neighbours
'Fore I'm back in my backyard
But if you look up to the night sky
That's my spaceship passing by
Give a wave that's me inside her
It's farewell but not goodbye
Right back atcher, Grog.
Merry Christmas!
Festivus Maximus!
(According to Wikipedia, that's the appropriate Festivus salutation.)
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