This was originally posted on my personal blog but I had no fresh ideas this week so I’ve updated this with a couple of new lines.
If the emergency kit in your car’s trunk includes a game for any situation, you might be a gamer.
If your idea of a Square Dance is four people moving around a Formula De board on your kitchen table, you might be a gamer.
If you’ve ever spent more money in a week on games than on groceries, you might be a gamer.
If it’s extremely important to figure out what game the Peanuts gang are playing, you might be a gamer.
If your wife asks you to take out the trash and you grab the Monopoly game, you might be a gamer.
If someone asks you “Have you heard the news?”, and you immediately think that the new game you’ve been waiting for has finally been released, you might be a gamer.
If you knock out a wall in your home to improve access to the game table, you might be a gamer.
If you take a German language course just so you can read the original rules, you might be a gamer.
If your idea of an innovative thinker is the guy who decided to make game pawns that look like little wooden people, you might be a gamer.
If you ever returned that thoughtful gift from your mom and took the money to your local game store to buy a new game, you might be a gamer.
If the first thought you have when you wake up to a blizzard is that it’s Game Time, you might be a gamer.
If receiving your income tax return means finally placing that big game order, you might be a gamer.
If you’ve ever been awakened in the middle of the night by a horrible dream involving cardboard and a large glass of soda, you might be a gamer.
If your favorite designer isn’t interested in fabric color and texture, you might be a gamer.
If your dog gets excited by the sight of the UPS truck coming up the street, you might be a gamer.
If you bought your house mainly for the “game room” you could create, you might be a gamer.
If you carry a picture of your game collection in your wallet, you might be a gamer.
If you buy small Ziploc bags by the case, you might be a gamer.
If you have game rules lying on the back of your toilet instead of the Reader’s Digest, you might be a gamer.
If your dream vacation includes a small bag of clothes and a large empty suitcase, you might be a gamer.
If you have to rearrange some part of your living space to make room for your games, you might be a gamer.
If you’ve ever turned down a date simply because it was on Game Night, you might be a gamer.
If your 3-year-old knows what a DVONN is, you might be a gamer.
If you want your epitaph to read “He/she played a good game”, you might be a gamer.
Gamer Crossing
Mr. Foxworthy would be proud.
If your idea of a hot date involves Advanced Civilization and a case of Jolt, you are probably reading the right blog.
Great list!
That was fun.
Great post, Mary!
Oh yeah, that's me. I have an emergency box of party games in the car, but no first aid kit. My coffee table is so big it can fit 8 players comfortably, but it's very inconvenient to use it for coffee. As for turning down a date to go gaming - why would you date a non-gamer? And I'm looking forward to my tax return!
If your 3-year-old knows what a DVONN is, you might be a gamer.
If your seven-year-old beats you at YINSH you both might be gamers.
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